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Chat mécanique à lunettes

Beautiful standing cat with glasses. Minor damage and in perfect working order. Made in Germany by Gunthermann 1930. For Sale/A Vendre/Te Koop: 750€ Contact: gknispel@xs4all.nl
Camion de pompier INGAP

Beautiful condition and in working order. 24 x 15 x 10 cm. Made in 1930 by INGAP. For Sale/A Vendre/Te Koop: 1 750€ Contact: gknispel@xs4all.nl
Automobile Citroën B2 – Torpédo

Automobile Citroën B2 – Torpédo complète, le moteur fonctionne, très bon état général. For Sale/A Vendre/Te Koop 2013: 1900€ Contact: rene.poujol@aliceadsl.fr